History of Hijama

Hijama (Arabic: حجامة‎‎ “Sucking or Detox”) is the Arabic term for wet cupping.

Hijama was practiced by every Prophet (AS) during their time. It was Sunnah (Practice) of every prophet. Considering that the Quran clearly states that every nation was sent a guide, and the fact that at least 1,24,000 Prophets (AS) were sent to this world, Hijama as a treatment is to be found throughout the world as a result of this long history of continuous use. Indeed historical texts prove that this is the case with depictions of cupping equipment being seen on ancient stone tablets and markings f rom archeological findings throughout the world.

This practice has revived at the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ It is recorded in the books of Ahadeeth when the prophet Muhammad ﷺ had journey to the heavens that night He ﷺ brought five daily prayers and the good news of Al- Hijama.

I did not pass by an angel from the angels on the night journey except that they all said to me “upon you is Hijama Cupping, O Muhammad” ﷺ ( Reference: Sunan Ibn Maajah, 3447)

The prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Angel Jibraaeel (AS) repeatedly emphasized upon me to resort to Hijama to the extent that I feared that Hijama (cupping) will be made obligatory.” (Reference: Jamul Wasaail P 179)

It is reported that the prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijama, and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is Hijama.

Procedure of Hijama

Hijama can be performed almost anywhere on the body, often at the site of an ache or pain in order to ease or alleviate it. A more conservative approach warns against overuse of cupping and suggests that optimal points on the body are all that is required to “clean and detox”. The location is first shaved, if necessary, to ensure a tight seal with the cup. The mouth of a cup glass or plastic cups is placed on the skin at the site chosen for Hijama. A tight seal is then created using had pump then the cup is left to cling to the skin for a few minutes, then it is lifted off and several very small superficial incisions are made in the skin. The cup is then put back as it was before until the flow of blood subsides. Hijama is considered a form of energy medicine because it has been claimed to unclog the meridians in the body, and is viewed by some practitioners as a cure that can alleviate black magic and possession.


Bloodletting comparison:

While often used interchangeably, Hijama and bloodletting are not similar techniques. Bloodletting opens veins and bleeds patients, whereas Hijama draws blood to a specific location with suction and extracts it by perforating the skin.

Historic Practitioners:

Cupping [Hijama] remained a constant in professional medical treatment throughout Europe. It was practiced by such famous physicians as Galen (131–200 AD), Paracelsus (1493–1541) and Ambroise Pare (1509–90).